Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Private Peaceful: A Minute Past Three

This is a picture of typical trench where soldiers spent their days and nights.

1. Who is Captain Wilkie? How is he different from Sergeant Hanley? (p.120)

2. Is the war going well for the soldiers? How do you know this? 

3. What problems were there in the trenches? 

4. Anna, the girl from the estaminet, reminds Tommo of Molly. Write about a time when you saw someone who reminded you of a person you know.  Tell what it was about that person (not just looks) that reminded you of them.

Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS using WORD TALK before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.  Remember the blog rules.  You can read them. ->

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Michael Morpurgo's Private Peaceful Post#1

We are currently reading Private Peaceful. 

  1. The author bounces between Tommo as a young man and Tommo's memories of growing up.  Why do you think this is?
  2. All the chapter titles are times: Nearly Quarter Past Eleven, Ten to Midnight, Twenty-four Minutes Past Twelve.  Why do you think this is?
  3. Why does Tommo feel ‘betrayed’ by Charlie and Molly meeting with each other without telling him?
  4. Why did Big Joe climb up to the top of the church tower?

Do all questions in Microsoft Word and check it with WORD TALK. Use all your COPS skills and include a prepositional opener in at least one of your answers.  All answers mus be in CSAs.