Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Math Ch4 Questionnaires...


Grade 6s go to this page for chapter 4 and work through quiz 1.

Make a note of any questions you get wrong and post comments on why you got it wrong and what you understand now...

Cream Puffs, Fairies and Monsters

Answer the following questions with CSAs.  Make sure you add lots of detail to your answers.  Short, unimaginative answers will be rejected.


Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS and sense using WORD TALK before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.  Remember to post with your first name only.
  1. Holling’s friends insisted he replace the cream puffs eaten by the rats. Was this fair of them? Why do you think Mrs. Baker replaced the cream puffs? 
  2. Caliban is a monster in Shakespear's play The Tempest.  Holling says that monsters must always be defeated if there is to be a happy ending. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? How does this apply to his own life? Does this always happen in real life? Give examples
  3. How is playing "Ariel" in the school play going to affect Holling's life in your opinion?
Possible spellings you may need: Sycorax and Caliban, Presbyterian

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wednesday Wars - Cream Puffs and Chalk Dust

Mine, all mine!

  1. Personification is giving human qualities to something that is not human. Here's an example from Chapter One: The hair on his chest leaped over the neck of his T-shirt.  Describe how the hair is personified in this example.
  2. Many authors enjoy using alliteration – a literary device where the author repeats the same sound at the beginning of several words. Here's one such example:from Chapter One: … my father had it painted perfectly...Using your imagination, create your own examples of alliteration from the following topics. Each example must contain a minimum of three words: Chalk erasers; The sound a rattlesnake might make; Cream puffs.
  3. Why did Mrs Baker offer Holling a cream puff after he had finished his chore?
  4. In what ways in this Chapter did Mrs Baker show kindness towards Holling?  How did Holling react?  Why?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Math Review: CH3 Number Relationships


Grade 6s go to this page for chapter 3 and work through 7 quizzes (Skip quiz 4, 5 and quiz 6) that cover all of the main subjects in the recent Chapter on Math that we have completed.

Make a note of any questions you get wrong.  Pick one from each quiz and post comments on why you got it wrong and what you understand now...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt


Answer the following questions with CSAs.  Make sure you add lots of detail to your answers.  Short, unimaginative answers will be rejected.


Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS and sense using WORD TALK before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.  Remember to post with your first name only.

  1. The protagonist in most novels features the main character or “good guy”. The protagonist of our novel is Holling Hoodhood, a grade seven student at Camillo Junior High on Long Island. Think back on some of your favorite characters from past novels you have read or movies you’ve seen. What do you think makes for an especially interesting protagonist?
  2. What unfortunate circumstance got Holling and Mrs. Baker off on the wrong foot at the start of school in September?
  3. Why do you think it was important for Mr. Hoodhood that they have the Perfect House?
  4. What proof do we have in the first chapter that Holling wasn't a real brave, macho guy?
  5. Why do you suppose Holling never mentions the first name of Doug Swieteck's brother, but always refers to him simply as Doug Swieteck's brother? 

Private Peaceful - Last Post

Court Martial

Answer the following questions with CSAs.  Make sure you add lots of detail to your answers.  Short, unimaginative answers will be rejected.


Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS and sense using WORD TALK before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.  Remember to post with your first name only.

  1. Is Charlie’s court martial fair or unfair in your opinion? Give evidence or reasons to support your view.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Private Peaceful: Nearly 4 O'clock.

German infantrymen wearing gas masks attack across No Man's Land through a cloud of poison gas. By the end of the war, both sides had employed various kinds of gas.
Answer the following questions with CSAs.  Make sure you add lots of detail to your answers.  Short, unimaginative answers will be rejected.


Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS and sense using WORD TALK before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.  Remember to post with your first name only.

1. What happens to Tommo at the beginning of the chapter? (p.153-154)

2. Why does Charlie lie and tell the family Tommo is ‘having a fine old time?’ Do you agree with his decision?

3. Why doesn’t Tommo desert (leave the army)?

4. What happened to Anna?