Friday, May 6, 2016

Electrical Circuits-The Fuse Box

Go to the The Fuse Box - Circuit Builder website

Complete all the activities, starting with level 1, working through level 2 and ending with level 3. MOST circuit instruction have a question under it in bold.  Answer all the questions in MS word and post all the answers in one comment.  An example of how to label the answers so we know what you are talking about is given below: (Level 3, Question 2).  Use COPS and CSA.

e.g. 3.2 Even though I broke one light with a bat, the others stayed on.


  1. 1. When you break a bulb the other goes out.
    2. I notice that the buzzer and the lightbulb are pretty much getting the same amount of electricity.
    3. The bulbs are dimmer because there are more of them evenly getting the electricity.
    4. All the other bulbs go out because the broken bulb isn’t letting electrons through.
    5. All the bulbs are very dim because the battery doesn’t have enough power to power all the bulbs evenly.
    6. Both the bulbs stay on even though I smashed one.
    7. All the other bulbs stay on and keep working even one is broken.

  2. When I bashed one of the lights they all went out.
    The bulb turned on and the buzzer made a buzzing sound.
    The bulbs shine dimmer than usual.
    The bulbs are dim when they start off, then when I bashed the bat into the bulbs they all went out
    The bulbs are barely on.
    Only one of the bulbs went out.
    Only half of the bulbs went out when I smashed one of them with a bat.
    Graham :3

  3. 2.2 the other bulb turn off like the bulb you broke
    2.3 the light bulb is bright and the buzzer is loud
    2.4 the light were dimer then if you just had one light bulb
    3.2both of the light go out when you smash the one
    3.4 both of the light went out like the one you smashed.

  4. 1. When I broke one the other on went out.
    2. The bulb grew brighter and the buzzer was well activated.
    3. The bulbs were a bit dim because of the one battery and the three bulbs.
    4. When I broke one the other one went out.
    5. When I broke one the other two went out.
    6. Only one of the bulbs went out.
    7. Only half of the bulbs went out when I smashed one.

  5. 2.2 They both went out when I broke the first lightbulb because it is both attached to the same wire.
    2.3 It gets brighter and brighter.
    2.4 I notice that it is all the same brightness.
    3.2 They both went out when I broke the first lightbulb because it is both attached to the same wire.
    3.4 they both broke because I used the bat.

  6. 1. When you smash the bulb the other also goes out.
    2. The bulb produces light while the buzzer is sound.
    3. The bulbs go dimmer because more bulbs getting the same electricity.
    4. The other bulb went out because the smashed bulb wasn’t letting the .electrons through.
    5. Every bulb is pretty dim because the battery isn’t allowing the enough power. to power both of the light bulbs equally.
    6. When the bulbs were dim I smashed the other.
    7. I found out all the bulbs stayed working after I smashed the one bulb.


  7. Question 2.2 when you light up all the bulbs and brake one, all shut down. Question 2.3 the bulb is just as bright with the buzzer. when you complete the circuit. Question 2.4 the bulbs are dimmer than before, because the less power between each bulb. Question 3.2 when you complete the circuit and knock out a bulb, it stays on because it is parallel. Question 3.4 one bulb goes out by being hit, others stay on ,because it is a parallel.


  8. 1.I noticed that when I smashed the light the whole thing stoped working.
    2.the light is dimmer.
    3.they are dimmer because there are more of them.
    4. the other bulb kept working.
    5.the other 2 stayed on and got brighter.

  9. 1. when you brake one the other won went out.
    2. the bulb got much more brighter, and the buzzer was activated.
    3. The light bulbs had a little amount of light.
    4. When I broke a bulb the other won went out.
    5. Just like 4 when I broke the bulb the other went out.
    6. only one bulb kept working the other burnt out.
    7. One bulb broke and the other get very dimmer.

  10. 1. I completed the circuit for quiz one section one. I completed the circuit for quiz one section two. I competed the circuit for quiz 3 &4 for section 1.
    2. I completed the circuit for quiz two section one. I completed the circuit for quiz two section two and when you hit the bat on one of the bulbs, the circuit does not work. I completed the circuit for quiz two section three. I noticed that the bulb was brighter. I completed the circuit for quiz three section four. I noticed that the bulbs were dimmer. I completed the circuit for quiz two section five. I noticed that the bulbs were dimmer and when you hit a bulb with a bat the whole circuit goes out. I completed the circuit for quiz two section six. I noticed that the bulbs were very dim because there were more bulbs.
    3. I completed the circuit for quiz three section one. I completed the circuit for quiz three section two. Strangely, when I hit the bulb with the bat both went out even though for a parallel circuit, it should keep going.-Jaden

  11. 2.2) when I broke the light bulb both lights went out because electrons need to flow through the pathway for the circuit to work.
    2.3) the brightness of the light was fairly bright and the buzzer was fairly good for sound because they had a nice amount of energy.
    2.4) they were very dim for the light power because there are to many things connected to one battery.
    2.5)when I broke the 1 out of the three all went out because electrons need to flow thought.
    2.6)the lights are dim because the battery does not have enough power.
    2.7) half of the lights went out when I smashed one of the bulbs

  12. 1. All of the lights went out when I hit the bulbs with the bat.
    2. the bulb is dimmer than it should be. The buzzer makes a high vibrating noise.
    3. The bulbs are very dim.
    4. One of the bulbs stays on

  13. 1. When you brake one the other won went out.
    2. They both got an even amount of electricity.
    3. The bulbs got dimmer they needed to be more electricity.
    4. When I broke a bulb the other bulb went out.
    5 The bulbs are very dim because the battery doesn’t have enough power to power all the bulbs evenly.
    6. Only one bulb kept working the other bulb burnt out.
    7. One bulb broke and the other bulbs got brighter.


  14. 1.When the bulb broke, the other one went out.
    2.When the bulb turned on the buzzer made noise.
    3.The bulb went dimmer than before.
    4.When the bulb broke other one went out.
    5.When the bulb broke the other two went out.
    6.Only one kept on working while the other went out.
    7.The bulb broke and the other bulb got dimmer.

  15. 2.2 When I break one the other one also goes out.
    2.3 The buzzer produces sound the bulb makes light.
    2.4 The bulbs are dimmer because there are more of them.
    3.2 When one breaks the other one stays on.
    3.4 The other bulbs get brighter.

  16. 1. When I hit the light bulb with the bat the other one went out.
    2. The bulb lights up and the buzzer made a sound.
    3. The bulbs are dimmer than normal.
    4. When you break a bulb the other one still works.
    5. When you break one of the bulbs the others still light up.


  17. 1. All the lights go out when you break one.
    2. The bulb in very dimmer and the buzzer makes a high pitch sound.
    3. The bulbs are very dim.
    4. One of the light bulbs stays on.


  18. 1. When you break lightbulb the other one will go out
    2. The buzzer makes a buzzing sound and the lightbulb produced light
    3. The lightbulb are dimmer. If you just had one bulb it would have been brighter.
    4. All the bulbs go out because of the broken one, that doesn’t allow the flow of electrons through. The other bulbs would have still worked if it was a parallel circuit.
    5. The lightbulbs are a bit dimmer then they normally would be.
    6. Because of the circuit the other lightbulb stayed on when the other one was smashed.

  19. 1 when the bulb goes out so does the other one
    2 I notice that the buzzer started making sound while the bulb got brighter.
    3 the bulbs were very dim and barely made light.
    4they both went out because there was no flow of electrons.
    5 the bulbs got dimmer
    6 they both stayed on even though I smashed the other one.
    7the bulbs kept working and the light stayed the same

  20. 1. When I broke the bulb the other one burned out.
    2. The bulb makes light and the buzzer makes an annoying sound.
    3. The bulb went dimmer.
    4. When I hit the bulb the other one went out.
    5. When I hit the bulb the other one stayed on and got brighter.

  21. 1. When the lights are on, use the bat to break one of the bulbs. See what happens to the other bulb. It also goes out.
    2. What do you notice about the brightness of the bulb and the sound from the buzzer? They both worked and split the power evenly.
    3. What do you notice about the brightness of the bulbs? I noticed that the bulbs didn’t produce as much light.
    4. When the lights are on, use the bat to break one of the bulbs. See what happens to the other bulb. The other bulb stays on.
    5. When the lights are on, use the bat to break one of the bulbs. See what happens to the other bulbs. The other bulbs stay on.

  22. 2.2 When I hit the bulb the other bulb went out.
    2.3 I notice that the bulb is a bit dimmer and the buzzer is not as loud.
    2.4 I notice that the bulbs are dimmer because there is less electricity for each bulb.
    2.5 When I hit the bulbs the others bulbs went out.
    2.6 I noticed the bulbs went dimmer.
    3.2 The second bulb that I didn’t break stayed running.
    3.4 It gets brighter and keeps running.

  23. 1) 2.2 I noticed that the all bulbs go out when one is smashed.
    2) 2.3 The bulb is dimmer since the buzzer also uses power from the battery.
    3) 2.4 The brightness of the bulbs is dimmer because there are more of them.
    4) 3.2 The other bulb stays on and gets brighter
    5) 3.4 The other two bulbs get brighter



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