Friday, April 29, 2016

Great Pacific Garbage Patch - A Gyre

Watch the videos.


Answer these in complete sentence answers/COPS.

1)Who or what is impacted by these garbage patches or gyres?

2)How are you directly impacted by these garbage patches?

3)On a personal level, in a small way, what can YOU do to slow this down? List all the ways an individual can make a small difference in what collects in our oceans.

4)Your future depends on this planet.  What careers/jobs are out there where you can make a bigger difference (invent solutions to this problem) and reverse the pollution in our oceans?


  1. 1. turtles and many fish. it also affects us. we get our fish to eat from there. we all our affected by the trash.
    2. well as i said it is a sickle, fish eat it then we eat the fish. we eat that trash sometimes. that is how we get affected.
    3.first of all i would clean that island and also put a ban on littering. so a bar code to say who bought it to stop littering.
    4. one job i would make is through the path of litter boats patrol with small nets to catch trash. and make litter more reusable. by bags can be made into more bags.


  2. 1)Who or what is impacted by these garbage patches or gyres?

    2)How are you directly impacted by these garbage patches?

    3)On a personal level, in a small way, what can YOU do to slow this down? List all the ways an individual can make a small difference in what collects in our oceans.

    4)Your future depends on this planet. What careers/jobs are out there where you can make a bigger difference (invent solutions to this problem) and reverse the pollution in our oceans?
    1. Humans are the impact for the pacific garbage gyre.
    2. We are impacted by the garbage patches because we litter .
    3. I cannot litter .
    4. I can make a company that doesn’t litter.

  3. 1. Everyone is effected by these garbage patches especially animals like birds and other animals that hunt small shiny things.
    2. We all eat animals and the food chain will be all messed up because all the animals will be dying and other animals won’t be able to feed on the animals that are dead.
    3. To help our oceans I can put garbage in the garbage cans instead of on the ground. I can also maybe try cleaning some of our beaches up and clean up around are school.
    4. A carrier I can choose to help our planets oceans could be the Ocean Conservancy which cleans up garbage in the oceans.

  4. 1.Humans and sea animals alike are impacted by huge garbage gyres.
    2.We are directly impacted by the garbage in the ocean because first the fish eat the garbage then we eat the fish that have eaten the garbage and we get sick.
    3.I cannot litter and if I see anyone else littering I can say, “Please don’t litter it is just going to affect you in the end.”
    4.I could maybe start a company that makes packing materials that are biodegradable and not harmful to the environment.

  5. 1. The creatures in the ocean are affected by the patches of garbage.
    2. Fish get killed by the plastic bags; if the fish are gone then everything that eats fish will die out. What I’m trying to get at is that the food chain is getting really messed up.
    3. I could pick up any plastic bags that I see in the water whenever I swim to prevent more turtles dying.
    4. I could join the ocean clean-ups to help slow down the process of ocean animals dying.


  6. 1. Everyone is affected by the garbage patches even animals like bird, fish, and land animals, because they look at shiny things and get caught by the garbage
    2. We all eat animals and animals might eat garbage instead of their normal food chains so when the meat is put into store the meat could be infected
    3. To help Oceans I could put garbage in garbage cans instead of the ground because rain can make the garbage flow into the ocean

    ~ Zoe

  7. 1. Everyone is affected by these garbage patches. Animals though, are the most affected because they are the people who eat the garbage.
    2. We are impacted by these garbage patches because they are not going away. The food chain will be seriously impacted, and there will be more problems to come.
    3. We can help this garbage slow down by helping out with making sure that we deal with our garbage and help in community events to do with the ocean such as beach cleanups.
    4. You can be a scuba diver to collect garbage; you can be a marine biologist specializing in animals eating the garbage.

  8. 1. Everyone is affected by garbage. Animals especially because if an animal eats the garbage is will be damaged badly, or maybe it might even die. It is most likely it will die.
    2. We are directly impacted on this because all this garbage that keeps going everywhere it probably won’t ever end, it’s just a repeat. It will just keep getting worse than it already is.
    3. Well I can stop getting foods that come in plastic, or whenever I’m done ill double check to see if I put it in the garbage. And say for example if its recycle do not drink pop cans on the boat and leave it on the edge because it might fall in without you knowing and animals will eat it, and probably die.
    4. To make a difference in the world if I run for president and make it, I would make a law 5 times a year it’s clean up the earth day. So that means the whole day picking up garbage.
    Jake H

  9. 1. Small sea Animals are being impacted by this which is impacting the Larger sea animals because they eat those animals. As well as birds.
    2. We are impacted by this, because we eat the fish that eat our debris. Some people are getting sick eating these fish and sooner or later we are going to run out of a food source.
    3. I would slow it down by improving recycling. On a personal level and what I could do to help is just be more mindful of where I put my garbage. Because I could put a plastic bag down and it could fly away into a sewer and end up in the ocean.
    4. Some jobs available are researchers. Yes I know this doesn’t decrease the amount of garbage but maybe you could find out what’s going on and show people and campaign against it. Sam

  10. Who or what is impacted by these garbage patches or gyres?

    2)How are you directly impacted by these garbage patches?

    3)On a personal level, in a small way, what can YOU do to slow this down? List all the ways an individual can make a small difference in what collects in our oceans.

    4)Your future depends on this planet. What careers/jobs are out there where you can make a bigger difference (invent solutions to this problem) and reverse the pollution in our oceans?


  11. 1. Humans and sea animals alike are impacted by huge garbage gyres.
    2. We are directly impacted by the garbage in the ocean because first the fish eat the garbage then we eat the fish that have eaten the garbage and then we get sick or a disease.
    3 I don’t litter. If I drop garbage I pick it up and if I see people littering I will pick it up or say excuse me but u have dropped your garbage. 4. I could maybe start a company that makes packing materials that are biodegradable and not harmful to the environment.


  12. 1. The birds and other animals like turtles and dolphins. Any animal could eat the garbage or get caught in the fishing nets.
    2. You are directly impacted by these garbage patches, because for one thing you may end up eating or swimming in it. Turtles and many fish are impacted by the trash everywhere.
    3. In a small way if you ever see a bottle or any garbage you could help by pick it up and throwing it out or recycling it.
    4. To me you shouldn’t need a job/career to half to help with the garbage. Instead of a job maybe they could make a certain day for it.

  13. 1. The sea creatures are being affected by all of the garbage on the ocean.
    2. I am impacted because the garbage is polluting the oceans, animals are dying which means our food is dying, and some of the species that live in the ocean are all perishing and becoming extinct just from eating the garbage that we keep on throwing somewhere that is not the trash can.
    3. I can prevent myself from littering.
    I can prevent my peers from littering.
    I can pick up trash I find on the streets and put it in the trash can before it ends up in the sewage system.
    4. I think that a career that could prevent the trash in the oceans would be a professional garbager which means a person who picks up litter for a living. It could end up being a company.

  14. 1.Humans and animals are impacted by the garbage patches.
    2.We eat the animals that get affected. Like fish for example.
    3.I could slow it down by not littering, and picking up the garbage on the ground.
    4.I would become some kind of member of a special group that helps out with collecting the garbage in the ocean and on land, and go to schools and teach students about how bad it is to litter, and that it also affects the animals and us as well, and so that they could stop littering, and pick the trash up, so that they could try stop the animals from getting affected.

  15. 1) Humans are the ones who are impacting garbage patches and gyres
    2) We are directly impacting garbage patches by throwing things out onto the floor or in the river and not into the trash to get recycled. For example if we throw out an apple sticker and it goes onto the floor you could step on it, and then you carry it to the sidewalk or city, that will then wash away with the rain to the river, from the river it will flow to ocean; which than animals will eat or the garbage will get washed up to a gyre.
    3) Things that I can do to slow this down I could:
    • Throw my trash into the garbage bin
    • Recycle paper
    • Go to the beach and pick up litter
    4) Some careers or jobs I could do is making a fundraiser and get other people to help clean up the beaches, rivers, oceans. I may not take it as a job, but I think it would be a good idea to have someone makes a fundraiser of helping clean up our beaches, rivers, oceans. Though I probably won’t do this after seeing these videos I’m going to try and clean up my act since I know; guiltily I sometimes do not help too, but from now on I will try and also incourage my family to help more too.


  16. 1 it is killing animals and damaging the world
    2 we are not changing are behaver and the garbage patches are growing
    3 well we could learn to see what’s happening to our world and change that like take some of your time and like join a cleaning crew

  17. 1. Who or what is being impacted by these garbage patches are mostly animals like birds, turtles and fish.
    2. The way I am directly impacted by these garbage patches are foods like fish dying out and how horrifying the videos and pictures are.
    3. What I can do and other individuals can do to slow this down is putting recycling where it belongs and little things like the apple stickers need to go in the garbage, not the floor or ocean.
    4. A career or job out there is taking samples and helping certain animals out of nets or having a fundraiser.

  18. 1. Everyone is affected by this the animals in the water are all dying from this and soon their all going to die.
    2. We are the ones eating these fish, so if their eating the plastic we might be eating it too!
    3. we can start by not throwing our garbage on the streets, we can go to our beaches and pick up the garbage, I can't go out in a boat to get the garbage out but if I could I would.
    4. One job would be to go out in little boat to get rid of garbage. another job would be to make biodegradable plastic bags.

  19. 1. Sea animals and birds are the ones who are being impacted by the garbage patches.
    2. I am directly impacted by these garbage patches because the garbage is in the ocean and it is polluting it and the garbage is not going away, the garbage is affecting our food and I can die just like the animals can if they eat this garbage.
    3. I can slow all this littering down by telling someone that if they throw their garbage away or drop it to please pick it up. An individual can double check if they put their garbage in the garbage can, they can hold on to their garbage if there is no garbage can around instead of throwing it on to the floor.
    4. Some jobs out there that will help the community are a scuba diver, so I can collect a lot of garbage in the ocean. I could make a company that makes biodegradable bags for food.

  20. 1) Who or what is impacted by these garbage patches or gyres?
    These garbage patches and gyres will eventually affect every living thing on earth. Right now many animals that live in oceans are dying and eventually that will lead to everything in the ocean dying. In the end everyone will be affected by this problem.
    2) How are you directly impacted by these garbage patches?
    I’m sad that this is happening in our world. Many innocent creatures are dying and we are at fault. It’s sad to think that some of my garbage is killing animals. I’m very worried that we won’t find a solution because many bad things would happen such as, starvation and death.
    3) On a personal level, in a small way, what can YOU do to slow this down? List all the ways an individual can make a small difference in what collects in our oceans.
    There are many ways that we can make a difference about this problem. We can help by picking up garbage we see on the ground, making sure others are more aware, and putting more things that should go into the recycling in the recycling.
    4) Your future depends on this planet. What careers/jobs are out there where you can make a bigger difference (invent solutions to this problem) and reverse the pollution in our oceans?
    I could be a garbage man or someone that goes to different schools and places to help people in being more aware about this problem and how to help

  21. 1. Animals and people are impacted by these garbage patches.
    2. We are directly impacted because throwing waste into the ocean causes animals to die and some of those animals could be one of our food sources.
    3. I could pick up garbage when I see it on the beach. An individual could pick start a beach clean or rent a boat to go and find garbage in the ocean.
    4. One job could be to go on a boat and collect garbage. Another job could be to make natural fishing supplies so if one falls in it will be ok.

  22. 1. Anything that is living in and or out of the water is impacted by these garbage patches or gyres.
    2. I am directly impacted by these garbage patches of pollution, hard to breath, herbal looking and make us lazy (we all think that we can just throw garbage where ever we want).
    3.On a personal level, in a small way, what I can do to slow this down is pick up garbage, put more garbage bags in part of town or public areas, put lots of posters up to encourage people to stop throwing their garbage where ever.
    4. The future depends on this planet. The careers/jobs that are out there where you can make a bigger difference and reverse the pollution in our oceans are the ones that I put in question # “3” I don’t really know the names.-Jenna


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